Groceries for Jan 10, 2010

So, it's grocery day at our house. In an effort to encourage myself to post more here, I'm going to post what we got and what we're planning to use it for.

The recipes we've planned:

This should actually be enough that we won't do another large grocery trip this month. We've also already done most of our "specialty" grocery shopping for the month too. The total was $102 and breaks down roughly to $25 for produce, $2.50 for bread, $16 for meat, $12 dairy and the remainder for canned goods, seasonings, sauces and the like. I'll try do do at least one new step-by-step preparation. Let me know if there's any information you'd like to see.

In order to get a jump on the prep for the week, we pre-cooked and froze 2lbs ground beef with onion, 1 lb of chicken (shredded), 1lb of ground beef made into meatballs, and 2 cups of mashed potatoes. We'll see how much this helps.

Posted by Sean at 2:18 am (Edit)

Say What?

Frozen dumplings are one of my favorite snacks. We get most of ours at H-Mart, where not knowing how to read Korean is a significant disadvantage. Sometimes we find some amusement from the deal though. For example:

Say What?

Cooking Direction

Roasted Dumpling

When the cooking oil it puts in the fried food pot and becomes 170 moral temperature and the dumpling put in and 2 minutes do with a rustle and after cooking.

Steamed Dumpling

When the vapor rises, place the dumpling into a steamer, and steam for 3~5 minutes. Serve with soy sauce and vinegar mix.

Dumpling Soup

Boil your choice of beef or chicken soup stock and add the frozen dumplings. Continue to boil for 2~3 minutes or until it softens.


Heat for 2 minutes in microwave oven and serve.

Attention Fact

Change in quality may occur if product's been thawed and refrozen

After cooking to, the cooking tool and the food take care are hot.

When after this pan cooking or the fried food cooking, the possibility the oil bouncing it is take care.

Posted by Sean at 10:44 pm (Edit)