Beringer 2005 Chenin Blanc

We wanted some wine with dinner tonight, so Nicole stopped at the grocery store on her way home (we may be wine snobs, but we're cheap wine snobs). She picked out a 2005 California Chenin Blanc from Beringer. It was on sale for $3.99. We'd never tried the Chenin Blanc, but figured for $4, if it was crap we could put it in some pasta sauce or something. Turns out it was quite good.

Drier than the Reislings we usually drink, it had an edge that made it go very well with the spicy dish we had for dinner. It didn't have any sparkle, so that worked well with the flavors as well. It was fairly mild in flavor, it tasted like wine, not much in the way of overtones or notes like some of the other wines we like.

This was a very good wine to have with a very flavorful meal, as it doesn't compete, only accents. At full price ($8?) it's very good. And for $4... you can't beat it.

Posted by Sean at 12:47 am (Edit)


We chilled that Sake that we had not had with the tuna patties the other night. It was an filtered variety. It is just okay. I much prefer the unfiltered kind that we get at LuLu's. It had a more robust flavor. I'll tryand edit this post later with more information about the two types.

Posted by Nicole at 4:45 pm (Edit)