Sur La Table - Knife Skills Class

So Sur La Table is one of our favorite stores (there is a link in the side bar of this page). Almost a year ago I noticed on thier website that you could voluteer to assist with classes in the store. I would love to take some of them, but at $65 per class it is just not feasible. I figured that assisting would give me the opportunity to see if I felt that the money would be worth it and while I would be helping, I should be able to absorb a bit of their teaching. The other benifit of the classes is that you get a discount coupon each time you volunteer and after so many classes (don't remember the number) you get a gift card and a free class.

Last night I volunteered to assist with the knife skills class. It was alot of fun and I was able to learn quite a bit while helping. The instructor gave a good talk about the pros and cons of different types of knives, the difference between a sharpener and a steel, how to use the previous items. He then began showing the class how to do different things, dice and onion, julieen vegitables, etc. I was actually surprised at how much of it I not only knew, but infact did properly already.

I was able to help a few people who were not understanding him clearly to improve what they were doing. During the break and after class I helped to clean up the classroom and do all of the dishes.

I will be voluteering for more classes in the future and I will try to review them here as well.

Posted by Nicole at 5:21 pm (Edit)

1 Responses to Sur La Table - Knife Skills Class

  1. Alicia says:

    that's VERY cool!


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